Tomorrow we leave for Utah for Christmas. We are so excited, and I wanted to put in a little update.
We've been busy being sick. We've all had colds, and I am finally getting over a sinus infection. Teaching and taking care of everything while being sick is the worst!! That just says that even though we all got flu shots (except Lauren because she's too little), we can still get sick! I'm so glad we are better for the holidays now.
We've also been busy going to lots of basketball games. Danny is such a good coach and works hard. McKay breathes basketball and just can't get enough. When he wakes up in the morning, the first thing he has to have is his basketballs, and he begs us to let him play for "four minutes" when we say it is bedtime. He aches to shoot hoops outside, but it's just way too cold, so he's gotten creative inside figuring out dribbling and going to "the gym" (the front door entry way). He's figuring out his imagination, which is so fun to watch. The most monumental thing in McKay's life lately is that he is finally done with his pacifier!! YAHOOOO!!!!!!! It got lost a couple of weeks ago (not on purpose I might add) and so we said that the paci went bye-bye. McKay said it went to the ocean. He still asks for it at nap time sometimes, and I know he misses it, but he informs me he is a big boy now, so good bye paci!
McKay loves his Nyssa Bulldog shirt (Danny's school).
Playing in "The boat."
Lauren is now five months. She is still so little. She's just now fitting into her 3-6 month stuff. She babbles a lot, loves to laugh, give good smiles to McKay (who talks to her like she's going to talk back any second) and rolls over constantly. She is such a sweetheart and so easy going. She does have a little fire in her though, because when she's had absolutely enough, she unleashes her fury. That doesn't happen often though, which is good. I love this age and I'm not anxious for her to get bigger.

Smiling for the camera is still a rare thing because looking at it is so much more interesting, and the flash is a little much.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and be safe this time of year!